Dix Hallpike Test-Repositioning Right Side

Dr. Danner reviews what to do if a Dix Hallpike test shows positive results of BPPV on the Right side

Dix Hallpike Test- Repositioning Left Side

Dr. Danner reviews what to do if a Dix Hallpike test shows positive results of BPPV on the left side.

Dix Hallpike Test

Dr. Danner demonstrates a Dix Hallpike Test that can be done at home.

Dix Hallpike #Ear2Ear

Dix Hallpike is a test for those who have positionally induced dizziness. What exactly does that mean? It could be that when you move and tilt your head, you experience spinning episodes. This can also happen when getting up and moving around. Dix Hallpike can help determine BPPV or Benign Paroxysmal Positive Vertigo. Dr. Danner demonstrates a Dix Hallpike test you can do at home. Check out our follow up videos later today for what to do if you have a positive Dix Hallpike.

Posted by Tampa Bay Hearing & Balance Center on Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Dr. Allen and Dr. Danner were both selected to speak at the NFO conference this year.

Nov 2018

Dr. Danner will be speaking with the ANA Sarasota support group on April 7th, 2018. Many benefits can be gained from a supportive group environment. Family, friends, caregivers and interested persons are encouraged to attend.

● Acoustic Neuroma
Sound Advice for Hearing Rehabilitation
Presented by Christopher J. Danner, MD, FACS
Tampa Bay Hearing and Balance Center
● Caring, Sharing, Networking and Support

Kim Simington, Support Group Leader/Facilitator
Phone: 908-963-8800 or Email: kjsimington@msn.com

Melanie Hutchins, ANA Manager of Volunteer Programs
Phone: 770-205-8211 or Email: volunteers@ANAUSA.org